Nadav Malin

CEO, Honorary AIA, LEED Fellow

Nadav Malin is a passionate facilitator, leading workshops and retreats to help organizations of all types find alignment, inspiration, and leadership in pursuit of their goals. He convenes peer networks of architecture firm Sustainable Design Leaders, Sustainable Construction Leaders, and others. He facilitates gatherings and consults to USGBC, AIA, large corporations, government agencies, and architecture firms. And he helps project teams with charrette facilitation and design process support to achieve optimal outcomes. 

Nadav is also the building industry’s acknowledged go-to resource when you need thoughtful perspective on the materials and design solutions that define sustainable building practice. As president of BuildingGreen, he oversees the company’s industry-leading information and community-building websites and LEEDuser. He served as executive editor of GreenSource magazine throughout its highly decorated seven-year run.

When the LEED rating system was just starting out, Nadav was tapped to lead its new Materials and Resources Technical Advisory Group, which he chaired throughout LEED’s formative years. Nadav also led the team that created the U.S. Department of Energy’s High Performance Buildings Database. When he is not facilitating a rich conversation among design professionals, he can often be found chasing a hockey puck or a soccer ball, depending on the season.

BuildingGreen Services

Nadav Malin is available to help your project succeed. He offers process facilitation, trainings, product and material screening, technical writing, and more. Learn more »