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BuildingGreen — Sessions at Greenbuild

We'll be at Greenbuild in force this year — I think it's more than a dozen of us — checking out your booths, staffing our own (come see us at #1728, almost smack-dab in the middle), going to sessions... and giving a bunch of sessions as well. On Monday the 17th, during the two-day Green Affordable Housing Summit that happens before Greenbuild proper actually starts (but which is a little-known part of it), Peter Yost is chairing a panel on residential retrofit and rehab. My info is a little fuzzy, but it seems that our own Allyson Wendt may be on that panel, or somehow else involved. On Tuesday, Nadav Malin does a preconference LEED workshop on "Costs and Returns." Peter Yost pops up again on Wednesday at 2:00 to teach education session BL01 in room 104ABC, titled "Call it REGREEN," about the Regreen residential remodeling guidelines. Also on Wednesday, also in the 2:00 time slot, session BL07 in room 156ABC — "Nutrition Labels for Products: Taking Control of Deciding What's Green for You" — features our ace researcher Jennifer Atlee. The next day, Thursday, Nadav Malin sits on a panel talking about lessons learned from a couple case studies of high-profile LEED buildings. This is Specialty Update session SU16 in room 160ABC, at 2:00. And Alex Wilson has back-to-back presentations on Thursday. He'll announce the annual Top Ten Green Products during a Specialty Update session that also begins at 2:00... though, oddly, I can't quite figure out where. This is generally a pretty popular thing. When I find out, I'll post an update here. UPDATE: Room 104 ABC, on Thursday from 2 - 3 pm. Then at 4:30, Alex sits on a panel for a Homebuilder's Day presentation titled "Green Products and Technologies: Making Sound Choices in the Age of Hype" — session BR3d in room 257A. When Friday rolls around, Tristan Korthals-Altes is on the panel for a 9:00 a.m. session, PL16 in room 204AB, on "Greening our Historic Legacy: Sustainability and Preservation Standards." And finally, also on Friday, Peter Yost is giving a half-day workshop on those Regreen residential remodeling guidelines.

Published November 11, 2008

(2008, November 11). BuildingGreen — Sessions at Greenbuild. Retrieved from—-sessions-greenbuild

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November 15, 2008 - 4:53 pm

What is the busiest day(s) of the expo?

November 17, 2008 - 9:46 am

Hi Pamela, sorry for the delayed response. Busy here. It's a good question, and one that I don't have an answer for. Opening night is generally a mess, and there's too little time to actually accomplish much. (If you're of a mind to accomplish much, anyway.) The full days typically have bursts and lulls. This time, with so many more exhibitors than there's been at one of these before, in so much more space, I don't know how it's going to go. Not sure anybody does. I haven't even heard how the attendee registration numbers are going.