Blog Post

Fixing LEED Online – "All Hands on Deck"

If you've been working with LEED Online in the last, um, ever, you've probably noticed that it can be slow and buggy. And as the portal for certifying your LEED project, that can be a little frustrating. Then along came LEED 2009, part of the LEED v3 update that was supposed to include a new and improved LEED Online. Well, it turns out reality has not been so kind. The system has still be slow, credit forms have been problematic, and in many cases, submittals are being delayed, with potentially serious consequences. I have to say, though, that while it's easy to gripe about LEED Online, USGBC, and GBCI, I've seen or heard about dozens of interactions with them via phone or email over the last few months where they were very helpful and responsive. All evidence suggests that no one wants LEED Online to be fixed more than the folks behind it. As recent evidence of both the problems that people have been seeing, and USGBC's response, the following is currently posted at the bottom of the home page on LEED Online:
To Our LEED Online user community: Since LEED 2009 launched in April, more than 1250 projects have signed up and hundreds of project team members have been using the newest version of LEED Online to register and manage projects. Those of you taking projects through the system have let us know that there are numerous issues with credit forms and the user interface that have prevented you from timely completion of submittals. While some glitches are to be expected with the launch of any new software product, you have told us that the issues are significant and need to be addressed quickly. We have all hands on deck to resolve the underlying issues as fast as possible. Many of the issues will be addressed in an upgrade to LEED Online scheduled to launch by September 18. In addition, we have installed a hotline to handle your problems in real time. This is a Webex conference number, and thus requires a caller code followed by the # symbol: 1-866-469-3239 Code: 87422403, # The line will be staffed "live" 9am-6pm eastern. We will also have the hotline monitored 24x7. Finally, if the Webex number fails, 301-335-3314 will be a backup. We will provide this level of service until LEED Online performance becomes rock solid. On behalf of all of us at USGBC, we sincerely regret the frustration you've experienced, and appreciate your patience as we work to resolve these issues. Please use the Hotline to let us know whenever you encounter glitches. We are committed to getting this right. Thank you for your support. Chris Smith COO U.S. Green Building Council 2101 L Street, NW, #500 Washington, DC 20037 Email:
What have your experiences with LEED Online been? If you contacted USGBC or GBCI for help, how did it go?

Published September 25, 2009

(2009, September 25). Fixing LEED Online – "All Hands on Deck". Retrieved from– all-hands-deck

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