Blog Post

Follow LEED AP News, LEED Credit Tips – on Twitter @LEEDuser

What are the latest updates and changes to the LEED AP program? What's the latest with CIRs (credit interpretation rulings)? How are professionals currently tackling key LEED credits? The LEEDuser Twitter feed has only been operating for a few weeks, but it's already proven to be a great venue for green building professionals to stay up-to-date on key issues of the day, in quick bursts of 140 characters or less, per the surprisingly popular rules of Twitter, the social media phenomenon. The LEEDuser feed is maintained by the team behind, BuildingGreen's new website that offers credit-by-credit guidance on the five commercial LEED 2009 rating systems. More on that here. It's a great chance to share your expertise, ask burning questions, and keep up to date on all things related to LEED and green building.

Published August 18, 2009

(2009, August 18). Follow LEED AP News, LEED Credit Tips – on Twitter @LEEDuser. Retrieved from–-twitter-leeduser

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