Does this mean state owned buildings cannot use the LEED rating system? It appears that the executive order only addresses the FSC credit.
Georgia Bans LEED Over Certified Wood Credits
Following in Maine’s footsteps, the State of Georgia has effectively banned LEED certification for State building projects.
August 21, 2012
Following in Maine’s footsteps, the State of Georgia has effectively banned LEED certification for State building projects.
Governor Nathan Deal’s executive order (PDF), echoing language used by Maine Governor Paul LePage, requires green building standards that equally recognize three forestry standards—the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), the American Tree Farm System, and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). The Governor’s office claims that “recognizing all forest certifications equally will promote sustainable forestry in our state and will help create thousands of jobs while maintaining our strong outdoor heritage.” The ban does not apply to school district building projects but does apply to State-funded colleges and universities.
LEED offers optional certified wood credits only for FSC-certified wood, but incentives are available for locally sourced materials—meaning that even non-certified local wood can be used to attain optional LEED credits.
BuildingGreen’s investigative series on the “wood wars" examines claims and motives behind recent LEED bans.
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Office of the Governor of Georgia
David, that is correct. The
David, that is correct. The entire LEED rating system is being dumped for state construction projects because of one optional credit.
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