Blog Post
Sustaining the Existing Building Stock
Greening our existing building stock has taken new prominence recently, both as the green building community grapples with the general economic slowdown along with the new construction slowdown, and as we get more real about what it will take for the building sector to slash our carbon emissions.
If you're coming to the AIA convention in San Francisco April 29 – May 2, I want to invite you to a workshop I"m involved that will provide a great opportunity to discuss these issues and learn from each other.
The session, "Sustaining the Existing Building Stock: The Greatest Challenge of Architecture 2030," is described in the convention program as follows:
7.5 LUs-Intermediate Level The imperatives of Architecture 2030 demand that the environmental footprint of the existing building stock profoundly be transformed. Four steps are required for that transformation to occur: shifting from simply a green building to a restorative paradigm, assessing the full and true value of existing resources, establishing life-cycle protocols that accurately address building performance, and adopting the most effective tools and technologies. Learn how sustainability begins with conservation of existing resources. Learning objectives:All of the speakers, who are experts on existing building rehabilitation, particularly on historic buildings, will be presenting a ton of material on practical issues as well as bigger picture things to think about. I am planning to present results of my current research on the most cost-effective green retrofits. I'm told the session is filling up -- as you're registering for AIA, please consider joining us. Image note: Located in Lansing, Michigan, this is the first building to earn Platinum ratings in both the LEED for Core and Shell and the LEED for Commercial Interiors rating systems. It's also an historic rehab.Speakers: Tristan Roberts, LEED AP; Jean C. Carroon, FAIA; Ralph DiNola, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP; Carl Elefante, AIA, LEED AP; Donald R. Horn, AIA, LEED AP; and Christina Roach, AIA, LEED AP Provider: AIA Historic Resources Committee, AIA Committee on the Environment Wednesday, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., $310
- Evaluate existing building resources for their economic, cultural, and environmental value
- Compile specific data, methods, and techniques from compelling examples of successful sustainable stewardship projects
- Recognize the best practices of sustainable stewardship, including principles, methodologies, tools, and technologies
Published March 3, 2009 Permalink Citation
(2009, March 3). Sustaining the Existing Building Stock. Retrieved from
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