If this research is proven true, then manufacturers of tissue and thermal paper should better rethink the materials that they use with their products. We need clean groundwater not only for us but for the species that live in our waters. Contamination is inevitable if this condition continues. There is no harm in making use of toilet paper for we do need it for sanitation and hygiene but we have to be sure that the ones we are using are manufactured according to safety standards and that they are properly disposed of after use.
Blog Post
Toilet paper is major emitter of bisphenol-A

Toilet paper, thus, was shown being an important source of xenoestrogen emissions to wastewater. Thermal paper again is assessed as being a major source for the contamination of recycled paper products with BPA. Because of the distinct contamination with xenoestrogens, both paper waste and recycled paper products should not be mixed with biological waste e.g. for co-composting or co-fermentation in order to derive organic fertilisers.Pay in cash and bring out the bidets? (The photo above came from zigzag zombie.)
Published August 26, 2008 Permalink Citation
(2008, August 26). Toilet paper is major emitter of bisphenol-A. Retrieved from https://www.buildinggreen.com/blog/toilet-paper-major-emitter-bisphenol
This is indeed alarming news.
This is indeed alarming news. Tons of toilet paper are being utilized each day and it would be very unfortunate for us if this component really does harm our health. It is important to be aware of the materials used in manufacturing the items that we purchase to avoid getting victimized by hazardous items.
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