News Brief

Gaiam, Inc. & Real Goods Trading Company Merger


In October,

Gaiam, Inc., based in Broomfield, Colorado, announced a merger with

Real Goods Trading Company of Santa Rosa, California. Both companies have been marketing healthy living products to environmentally aware, health-conscious consumers—the so-called “Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability” (LOHAS) market. Real Goods’ 2000 revenues are expected to be approximately $16 million, but the company had stretched itself too thin due to some aggressive expansion plans, according to an unnamed source

EBN spoke with. Gaiam will maintain the Real Goods brand name and its 12-acre (5 ha) Solar Living Center in Hopland, California, but Gaiam will consolidate most of the Real Goods operations into its own existing infrastructure. For more information, contact Gaiam at 303/222-3230 or visit www.gaiam.

com or

Published January 1, 2001

(2001, January 1). Gaiam, Inc. & Real Goods Trading Company Merger. Retrieved from

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October 7, 2023 - 8:13 pm


I was a longtime supporter, exhibitor, and volunteer at Solfest for a number of years. It was held in July of each year at the Solar Living Institute. Am contacting you now to request that you bring it back. We live in a time of global climate crisis. We need Solfest now more than ever to promote alternatives to living without trashing the Planet. If you need help to bring back Solfest, please contact me. The World would be a better place for many if you brought Solfest back as a yearly summer event at the Solar Living Institute.


Doug S.
Renewable Energy Systems Engineer
Seattle, Washington