
Building Decarbonization: Learn the Lingo

Here are the terms and metrics you’ll need to know as you cut greenhouse gas emissions from building materials and operations.

The stakes are high, the mission clear: we must eliminate the carbon emissions associated with our buildings. Taking these three steps will get us most of the way there:

First, improve the energy performance of buildings to reduce the fuel and electricity required to operate them. Next, electrify buildings and optimize their energy profiles to prevent strain on the grid. Finally, reduce the remaining sources of emissions, including those associated with building materials, construction, operations, and refrigerants.

Here are some of the key carbon terms and metrics you’ll need.

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Originally published July 29, 2024 Reviewed August 15, 2024

Melton, P. (2024, August 15). Building Decarbonization: Learn the Lingo. Retrieved from https://www.buildinggreen.com/explainer/building-decarbonization-learn-lingo