News Analysis

AIA Brings 2030 Targets Down to Earth

The AIA 2030 Commitment offers architecture firms practical steps for implementing carbon-neutrality goals.

Since its first public backing of the 2030 Challenge over three years ago, The American Institute of Architects (AIA) has set an example for its members. A number of architectural firms have signed on to the challenge to eliminate fossil-fuel consumption in buildings by 2030, even though both those signing and some choosing not to have expressed concern that the path to that goal is murky. Now, AIA is promoting a more nuts-and-bolts approach to the goal through its AIA 2030 Commitment, and close to 50 firms have already signed on. The commitment offers firms step-by-step guidance for achieving carbon-neutrality in building design and lowering their own environmental footprints through operational changes.

The 2030 Challenge, promoted by the organization Architecture 2030 and Ed Mazria, FAIA, comes with an implementation plan, but it is somewhat vague. “Establish energy efficiency as a central tenet of your firm’s design philosophy,” one suggestion reads. By contrast, the AIA 2030 Commitment requires firms to choose at least four operational action items from a list to implement within six months of signing the commitment.

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Published August 28, 2009

Wendt, A. (2009, August 28). AIA Brings 2030 Targets Down to Earth. Retrieved from