News Analysis

The Breathe Easy Office

The American Lung Association reports that in a nationwide random sample of office workers, 24% felt that there were air quality problems in their work environment and 20% believed that poor air quality affected their work performance. Sources of indoor air pollution include biological agents, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, radon, secondhand tobacco smoke, and a panoply of volatile organic compounds. Sobering statistics and substances to which we are exposed, but what to do about it?

The American Lung Association’s Virginia chapter in Richmond has an answer: the Breathe Easy® Office. This ALA project is dedicated to reducing indoor air pollution; using low-cost, sustainable building products and techniques; and raising public awareness of indoor air quality as a serious public health issue. In September 2000, the Richmond office opened the first Breathe Easy facility. From foundation to landscaping, the project features a wide range of materials and techniques that promote a better indoor environment. These include:

• Conditioned crawlspace with soil moisture barrier and slight positive pressure to eliminate radon.

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Published June 1, 2001

(2001, June 1). The Breathe Easy Office. Retrieved from