News Analysis

China Announces Green Building Plan

Urban areas in China are expected to grow by 50% in the next 25 years, and China currently holds the world record for the most new construction, with 21.5 billion ft2 (two billion m2) of development each year. It was pointed out at the conference that half of all construction over the next 20 years is expected to occur in China. “Human need for living space evolves through four different phases,” according to Qui: “shelter, comfortable buildings, healthy buildings, and green buildings.” While the first uses little or no energy, Qui pointed out, the second and third have high energy consumption. He emphasized the need to design green buildings with high levels of energy efficiency and use of renewable energy, recycled materials, and “harmony between people and nature.” Minister Qui also announced plans for the first International Intelligent and Green Building Technologies and Products Conference and Expo, to be held March 28–30, 2005 at the Beijing International Convention Center.

Published December 1, 2004

(2004, December 1). China Announces Green Building Plan. Retrieved from