News Analysis
EPA WaterSense Label Enters Commercial Building Market
by Emily Bragonier
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced its WaterSense specification for flushing urinals. In order to meet Water-Sense criteria, urinals must use 0.5 gallons of water per flush (1.9 lpf) or less. Urinals must also meet performance requirements, guar-anteeing that they work at least as well as their conventional counterparts. Of the roughly 12 million urinals in the U.S., nearly 8 million are older, inefficient models that exceed the 1-gallon-per-flush (3.8-lpf) federal standard. EPA’s estimates indicate that WaterSense urinals will save roughly 4,000 gallons of water (15,000 l) annually per unit installed.
Published December 1, 2009
Bragonier, E. (2009, December 1). EPA WaterSense Label Enters Commercial Building Market. Retrieved from