News Analysis

USGBC to Offer Precedent-Setting "LEED Interpretations," Along with CIRs

A process for providing precedent-setting rulings to project teams using the LEED rating system is under development at the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). The resulting “LEED Interpretations” process is to be unveiled in the Fall of 2010.

The LEED Interpretations process will look a lot like the process for Credit Interpretation Rulings (CIRs) that was in place prior to July 2009, according to information provided to by Cara Mae Cirignano, a LEED specialist at USGBC. LEED project teams use the CIR process to check on whether they can earn a LEED credit in a specific circumstance that may not be anticipated by the LEED rating system.

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Published August 30, 2010

Roberts, T. (2010, August 30). USGBC to Offer Precedent-Setting "LEED Interpretations," Along with CIRs. Retrieved from