News Analysis

Working on Green Building Assessment

A workshop on the linking and prioritizing of environmental criteria in building assessments was held this past November in Toronto. Workshop organizers had hoped that the participants would help figure out ways to prioritize environmental criteria so that practitioners in the building industry can focus the most energy and attention where they can gain the most benefit. The workshop was also intended to look at interactions and links between different green building strategies to see where synergistic benefits can be found.

The workshop was organized by Dr. Raymond Cole and Nils Larsson of the Green Building Information Council (GBIC) under the auspices of Task Group 8 (building assessment) of the International Council for Building (CIB). A group of 35 researchers and consultants from nine different countries, including

EBN’s Nadav Malin, spent two days analyzing and discussing the questions.

Published January 1, 1996

(1996, January 1). Working on Green Building Assessment. Retrieved from