LEED AP Credential Now Administered Through GBCI.org
Over the last seven years, the LEED Professional Accreditation program has verified that more than 43,000 building professionals have an understanding of green building techniques, the LEED® Green Building Rating System? and the certification process.
Now, with USGBC's enthusiastic backing, the LEED AP credential will be administered by a separately incorporated organization, the Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI). The formation of GBCI creates administrative independence between the LEED Rating Systems and the LEED AP credential — an important requirement in seeking accreditation for professional credentialing programs by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
USGBC will continue to handle development of the LEED Rating Systems and offer LEED-based education programs. GBCI will manage all aspects of the LEED Professional Accreditation program including exam development, registration and delivery.
Nothing will change for LEED Accredited Professionals except that the LEED AP Directory listing can now be updated at the GBCI Web site, www.gbci.org. GBCI.org is also the place to learn about LEED Professional Accreditation, register for the LEED AP Exam, find LEED Accredited Professionals in your area, and access your LEED AP exam records.
Visit GBCI today!
(2008, January 14). Green Building Certification Institute. Retrieved from https://www.buildinggreen.com/news-article/green-building-certification-institute
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