News Brief

2030 E2


Architecture firm Perkins+Will has made publicly available a tool developed to help project teams set building energy goals that meet the benchmarks of the 2030 Challenge (see EBN June 2007). Originally developed for in-house use, the 2030 e² estimating tool takes the user through a six-step process to set goals for energy efficiency, onsite renewable energy, grid-supplied renewable energy, and renewable energy offsets.

The tool uses average energy consumption for a given building type (based on the U.S. Department of Energy’s Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey) as a baseline from which to set consumption targets. The firm says 2030 e² is in its beta-testing stage and will be updated and improved in response to users’ comments and to increase its functionality.

Published May 29, 2009

Wilmeth, M. (2009, May 29). 2030 E2. Retrieved from

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October 12, 2009 - 7:45 am

Hi Bill,

I haven't seen anything like that--tools that really measure triple bottom line metrics are just starting to be developed. I also haven't seen any numbers on whether meeting the 2030 goals would get the building sector to the 350ppm target. It would be hard to calculate without taking transportation into account, and I'm not sure how we would do that without double-counting.

October 9, 2009 - 7:49 am

Is anyone aware of someone working on such a tool aimed at the 350ppm target?

Of course such a tool must aggregate all societal & economic sectors to be of any value, but it would be useful in carbon-cap setting or in national or regional contributions toward global goals (post-Denmark 2009, assumedly).

I'd like to know for civic action work, although I am an architect, sustainable design consultant and teacher. It could be useful in public policy work we're doing around the world.

TIA!! Bill Marston, LEED AP, GA Certified C+R, etc.
Philadelphia 215.557-9445 or << NB not "architect" nor "artifact". Be well.