News Brief
Advanced Buildings Newsletter
Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, 55 Murray Street, Suite 330, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 4M3, Canada; 613/241-3600, 613/241-5750 (fax). Published bimonthly, 20 pages per issue, $79 per year (Canadian dollars in Canada, U.S. dollars in the U.S.), $59 for Green Building Information Council members.
Advanced Buildingstracks developments and research in energy-efficient, resource-efficient, and healthy commercial buildings in Canada. Editor Nils Larsson is program manager of the C-2000 Program promoting advanced commercial buildings (seeEBN
Vol. 5, No. 1), which is sponsored by CANMET, the R&D branch of Natural Resources Canada. From this position Larsson is closely connected to most of the research and innovative commercial building design going on in Canada. One might expect that such an insider would be unlikely to report frankly on the projects he’s connected with, but Larsson doesn’t refrain from being critical when it’s appropriate.
The newsletter contains a smattering of news from around the world and articles (generally more theoretical or technical pieces) by outside authors. As Canada, with much government support, has established itself as a world leader in sustainable building technologies (at least for cold climates), keeping up with developments there is a worthwhile endeavor. Together with
Solplan Review (reviewed in
Vol. 2, No. 4), which covers the low-rise residential sector,
Advanced Buildings makes it possible to monitor (if not keep up with) our neighbors to the north. It’s great to have such a resource.
Published March 1, 1996 Permalink Citation
(1996, March 1). Advanced Buildings Newsletter. Retrieved from
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