News Brief

AIA Allows Sustainability Label to Expire

By Tristan RobertsThe board of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) voted in December 2012 to allow a requirement that its members earn continuing education units (CEUs) with a focus in Sustainable Design (SD) content to expire. When the requirement was instituted in 2009, a 2012 date was set for reevaluation (see “AIA Requires Sustainability in Continuing Education,” May 2008). Members had to allocate half of their eight required health, safety, and welfare (HSW) hours to SD through HSW/SD designated courses. Those courses will now be folded into HSW, which will have a broader definition. Beginning in 2013, architects are required to accomplish 18 general learning units, 12 of which will be HSW. AIA representatives state that the change reflects the view that all architecture should be sustainable.

Published January 28, 2013

Roberts, T. (2013, January 28). AIA Allows Sustainability Label to Expire. Retrieved from

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