News Brief
Andersen Windows and DOE Recognize One Billionth Square Foot of Low-e Glazing Produced
A one-square-foot sample of low-e glazing, representing the one billionth square foot produced, was recently presented to Christine Ervin, Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy by Mike Koenig of Andersen Windows and Jim Larsen of Cardinal IG. The presentation was in recognition of ongoing support provided by DOE of window technology research and development. Low-e coatings have saved consumers $1.7 billion over the past 15 years, according to research at Law-rence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Published July 1, 1996 Permalink Citation
(1996, July 1). Andersen Windows and DOE Recognize One Billionth Square Foot of Low-e Glazing Produced. Retrieved from
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