News Brief

Autodesk Increases Simulation Power through Cloud Computing

By Erin WeaverAutodesk has released Autodesk Simulation 360, the first simulation software on a “cloud”-based, pay-as-you-go model. The platform offers design and engineering tools for complex simulations, such as designing a building for resilience in the face of cyclic stresses, wind, or earthquakes, or predicting the occupant experience of solar heating. Multiple what-if scenarios may be run in parallel, an operation requiring large amounts of processing power; Autodesk Simulation 360’s reliance on off-site servers available through cloud computing should reduce the time needed, as well as upfront investments in hardware, and make complex simulations more widely available.

Published October 26, 2012

Weaver, E. (2012, October 26). Autodesk Increases Simulation Power through Cloud Computing. Retrieved from

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