News Brief

Battery Park City's Environmental Guidelines

New York’s Hugh L. Carey Battery Park City Authority (BPCA) has released its “

Commercial/Institutional Environmental Guidelines 1.0,” outlining the requirements for future construction in its jurisdiction on the west side of Lower Manhattan. The Guidelines are based on the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED™ 2.0 rating system, with changes to fit the New York City context and requirements aimed at achieving a LEED Gold rating. These requirements include the use of DOE 2.1 or an equivalent software tool during design (a service to be provided by BPCA), that photovoltaics and fuel cells significantly contribute to the power supply, that underfloor air delivery be used, that urinals be limited to no-flush models, and that at least 50% of roof areas be vegetated (green roofs).

Published June 1, 2002

(2002, June 1). Battery Park City's Environmental Guidelines. Retrieved from

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