News Brief

BP's Browne Expresses Concern About Global Warming

BP America’s chief executive John Browne

, in a commencement address to graduates of Stanford University in May, broke ranks with many in the petroleum industry by expressing concern about global warming. He was quoted in the July/August issue of

Solar Today as asserting that it is “unwise and potentially dangerous to ignore the mounting concern” about global warming. British Petroleum is investing heavily in photovoltaics and will open what is described as the world’s largest and most modern PV manufacturing plant later this year in Fairfield, California. According to

PV News, the 10-megawatt plant will use cadmium-telluride technology. The company expects to quadruple its PV manufacturing capacity over the next decade and reach $1 billion in annual sales.

Published September 1, 1997

(1997, September 1). BP's Browne Expresses Concern About Global Warming. Retrieved from

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