News Brief
Building Green, Audubon House
Audubon Video Promotes Green Building
Produced and directed by Claude Beller, running time 28 minutes. Available from the National Audubon Society, 700 Broadway, NY, NY 10003; 212/979-3000.
This high-quality, fast-moving video is clearly aimed at the general public. The video succinctly spells out the problems with conventional buildings and presents the case for a different approach using the new headquarters of the National Audubon Society as the case-in-point.
Building Green, Audubon House doesn’t provide much in the way of technical details and decisions behind the Audubon House renovation—for that you’ll have to read the book (Audubon House, reviewed in
EBN Vol. 3, No. 3)—it is a good introduction to green building concepts. We heartily recommend this video as a way to introduce potential clients to the benefits of environmental and health-conscious design in commercial buildings.
Published January 1, 1995 Permalink Citation
(1995, January 1). Building Green, Audubon House. Retrieved from
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