News Brief

Chetwood Receives Design Sense Award, Studio eg Receives Prize for Sustainable Design

Built on a brownfield site, the Greenwich (England) Sainsbury’s makes maximum use of natural light, and consumes half the power of a standard supermarket, using an on-site combined heating and power plant. Accessibility on foot and by public transport has been given a high priority. Photo: Chetwood Associates

Architects Chetwood Associates recently received the

Design Sense 2001 award of £40,000 for their work on Sainsbury’s supermarket on the Greenwich Peninsula. The Studio eg Ecowork furniture line (see


Vol. 9, No. 9) was recognized in the same September 26, 2001 program with the

Corporate Prize for Sustainable Design. Launched by the Design Museum in London in 1999, Design Sense is sponsored by Corus, Europe’s leading metals company, and supported by the Rufford Foundation. Paul Hinkin, Director of Chetwood Associates, plans to invest the prize money in further research to measure the effect sustainable design has on the bottom line for business. Program details and a description of each of the finalists are available at

Published November 1, 2001

(2001, November 1). Chetwood Receives Design Sense Award, Studio eg Receives Prize for Sustainable Design. Retrieved from

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