News Brief
Codifying Social Justice in Sustainable Development

"Permitting permanent occupancy of 'tiny homes' in residential zones is a particularly cost-effective way to maximize affordable housing options within an existing community,” according to the Sustainable Development Code.
Photo: Seattle City Council. License: CC BY 2.0.The social justice subchapter identifies good, better, and best actions that jurisdictions can take to address injustice in their communities by removing code barriers, creating incentives, and filling regulatory gaps. Recommended social justice actions include:
- Removing code barriers to adding accessory dwelling units in areas zoned for single-family homes
- Allowing tiny homes
- Restricting development of small-box discount stores
- Incentivizing development of grocery stores in food deserts
- Encouraging infill development
- Limiting the size of single-family homes
- Creating safe pedestrian and cycling routes to school, work, and nature
- Requiring variable unit sizes in multifamily buildings
- Limiting drive-throughs
- Permitting farmers’ markets in a variety of zoning districts
Each recommendation includes a description of impacts, case studies, links to existing ordinances, and resources for further research.
More on equitable development
No More Red Lines: Undoing Our Legacy of Urban Segregation
Equity in Design and Construction: Seven Case Studies
EcoDistricts Merges with Equity Group to Promote “Just Growth”
For more information:
Sustainable Development Code
Published September 6, 2022 Permalink Citation
Melton, P. (2022, August 23). Codifying Social Justice in Sustainable Development. Retrieved from
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