News Brief

Ecological Footprint Calculation at

A new online tool, produced jointly by the Earth Day Network and Redefining Progress, allows individuals in 58 countries to

calculate their impact on the planet. After completing the 15-question survey, participants learn the size of their ecological footprints in global acres (or hectares), each of which corresponds to one acre (or hectare) of biologically productive land or sea on Earth. The method is an adaptation of that used in

Our Ecological Footprint by Mathis and Wackernagel (see


Vol. 5, No. 3). The tool also determines the number of Earths that would be required to sustain the current global population at each participant’s standard of living. Michel Gelobter, executive director of Redefining Progress, notes that “If everyone lived like the average American, we would need 5.3 planets to support us.” To determine your own footprint, explore methods of lowering it, or learn more about the tool, visit

Published May 1, 2002

(2002, May 1). Ecological Footprint Calculation at Retrieved from

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