News Brief
Environmentalists Stop Petrochemical Plant Construction
Formosa has been stopped—for now. Seen here is the company’s Mail-Liao Industrial Complex in Yunlin, Taiwan.
A group of environmental advocates, including Rise St. James and Earthjustice, sued to stop construction. The judge sided with the advocates, citing concerns over data irregularities used for the permitting process, as well as potential health impacts to local residents, according to the Times. The factory—which would make polypropylene and polyethylene common in consumer and building products—has the potential to emit the carcinogen ethylene oxide, as well as more than 13 million tons of greenhouse gases per year, “roughly equivalent to what 3.5 coal-fired power plants would produce annually,” according to a report from the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL).
Formosa Plastics has a poor environmental record around the world, according to CIEL. In its case study of the company, it states, “Formosa Plastics plants in the United States have been out of compliance with US EPA [environmental] regulations for 65 quarters, equivalent to over 16 years.” Despite this, state regulators had approved permits for construction prior to the lawsuit. The fight over the plant is not over, as the company is continuing to pursue permitting and construction.
Published October 10, 2022 Permalink Citation
Ehrlich, B. (2022, September 21). Environmentalists Stop Petrochemical Plant Construction. Retrieved from
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