News Brief
EPA to Transform Brownfields into Renewable Energy Sites
By Emily CatacchioRE-Powering America’s Land, an initiative of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposes the development of renewable energy production technologies on “potentially contaminated sites.” EPA is looking for applications from states, tribes, regional governments, and communities interested in renewable energy development on current and previously contaminated sites. The Department of Energy National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) will then conduct a feasibility study to evaluate the potential of development. NREL will determine which technology is most appropriate, its location on the site, its generating capacity, return on investment, and economic feasibility. EPA will accept applications from Superfund, brownfield, RCRA corrective action, and former landfill or mining sites by May 20th, 2011. For more information, visit
Published April 29, 2011 Permalink Citation
Emily, C. (2011, April 29). EPA to Transform Brownfields into Renewable Energy Sites. Retrieved from
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