News Brief

FSC Celebrates Tenth Anniversary

Ten years ago, when the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) opened their doors in Oaxaca, Mexico,

Environmental Building News welcomed it as an organization with “the potential to become the global watchdog of forest management through an entirely voluntary process” (see


Vol. 3, No. 5). We also pointed out controversy over the appropriate stringency of the system (see


Vol. 12, No. 4 for more on the controversies and successes of FSC and other forest certification systems). While that controversy lingers, FSC has undoubtedly fulfilled the potential we noted a decade ago: FSC now boasts 114 million acres (46 million ha) of certified forestland in 62 countries, and the 20,000 FSC-certified product lines represent an annual turnover of $3 to $5 billion.

FSC spent three days in September 2004 celebrating their anniversary and outlining priorities and goals for the future. “The next ten years will be about moving from youthful enthusiasm to a mature and systematic global network achieving its mission of promoting responsible management of the world’s forests,” explained David Nahwegahbow, chairman of the FSC board of directors. FSC envisions moving from niche markets into the mainstream and hopes to represent at least 10% of the global timber market within another ten years, a goal currently met only in the Netherlands. Such a transition, Nahwegahbow noted, would ensure “not just economic benefits but also stronger social and environmental benefits.”

FSC capped off their celebration by opening their new international headquarters in Bonn, Germany. “FSC has achieved remarkable results within the last ten years,” said Renate Kunast, German minister for consumer protection, food, and agriculture. “Our common goal is to save the forests of the earth in the interest of the people, the environment, and the climate.”

For more information:

Forest Stewardship Council – International Center

Bonn, Germany

+49(0)228-367 66 19

Forest Stewardship Council – U.S.

Washington, DC

202-342-0413 sends e-mail)

Published October 1, 2004

(2004, October 1). FSC Celebrates Tenth Anniversary. Retrieved from

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