News Brief

Global Green Announces 2006 Millennium Award Winners

Global Green USA, the U.S. affiliate of Green Cross International, has awarded two of its annual Millennium Awards to green building champions: William McDonough, FAIA, founding principal of William McDonough+Partners and cofounder of McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry, and Thomas C. Leppert, chair and CEO of Turner Construction. Also recognized were Sheila Watt-Cloutier, chair of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference (see


Vol. 14, No. 1); Nina Simons and Kenny Ausubel, executive directors of the Collective Heritage Institute, Inc., also known as Bioneers; and Fran Pavley, assemblywoman in California’s 41st district. Global Green is online at

Published April 3, 2006

Boehland, J. (2006, April 3). Global Green Announces 2006 Millennium Award Winners. Retrieved from

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