In late May 2003, winners of the first annual Green Roof Awards of Excellence were announced during the first national green roofs conference (see page 3). Award recipients and their projects are described below:
• Katrin Scholz-Barth Consulting,
Photo: Green Roofs for Healthy Cities green roof consultant – Montgomery Park Business Center, Baltimore, Maryland: 30,000 ft2 (2,800 m2) green roof completed in 2002 on a portion of the 1925 Montgomery Ward catalog warehouse as part of an adaptive reuse project. Single-ply PVC roof membrane; planted with 12 species of sedum.
• Number Ten Architectural Group,
Photo: Green Roofs for Healthy Cities project architect – Ducks Unlimited National Headquarters, Winnipeg, Manitoba: Total of 28,200 ft2 (2,600 m2) in two separate green roofs on a new office building and Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Center. Two-ply SBS Soprema roof membrane with 16” (400 mm) green roof completed in 1992; planted with native prairie grasses and wildflowers; maintained with controlled burn every three years.
• Conservation Design Forum,
Photo: Green Roofs for Healthy Cities landscape architect – Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, Chicago, Illinois: 2,400 ft2 (225 m2) of green roof in four progressively deeper green roof systems on an existing building. Sarnafil 60-mil PVC roof membrane with green roofs 2.5” (60 mm) to 10” (250 mm) deep; planted with 80 species of native and hardy ornamental plants; includes a drip irrigation system and a wetland.
• William McDonough + Partners,
Photo: Green Roofs for Healthy Cities design architect – 901 Cherry Offices for Gap, Inc.,
San Bruno, California: 69,000 ft2 (6,400 m2) green roof on a new Gap office building completed in 1997 (see EBN Vol. 10, No. 11). Single-ply Sarnafil PVC roof membrane with 6” (150 mm) green roof; planted with native grasses and wildflowers.
• Buettner & Associates,
Photo: Green Roofs for Healthy Cities landscape architect – Garden Room, Shorewind, Wisconsin: 1,900 ft2 (175 m2) green roof on a rehabilitated retail store specializing in unique garden items. Siplast Teranap roof membrane; planted with perennials, ornamental grasses, shrubs, and trees.
• Olin Partnership,
Photo: Green Roofs for Healthy Cities landscape architect – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Convention Center, Salt Lake City, Utah: 8-acre (3.2 ha) multilevel green roof on a 1.1 million ft2 (102,000 m2) building completed in 2000. Hydrotech roof membrane and drainage mat with green roof depth varying from 2” (50 mm) to 4 ft (1.2 m); planted with native meadowland species, including firs, pines, and aspens using more than a thousand volunteers.
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