News Brief

Greenguard Mold Protection Program Takes Off

Announced in February 2006 (see


Vol. 15, No. 3) by the Greenguard Environmental Institute™, the Greenguard Mold Protection Program™ recently signed up its first buildings, two luxury condominium towers under construction in Orange Beach, Alabama. Certification requires the developers to follow best-practices guidelines set by Greenguard, including steps during building design, construction, and maintenance to reduce risk of mold hazards. Although awareness of the hazards of mold in buildings is perhaps greatest in the southeastern U.S., Greenguard recently announced state-by-state rankings of mold risk, derived from insurance claims, showing relatively dry states such as Nevada and South Dakota with surprisingly high relative risk, due, Greenguard claims, to poor building practices with respect to ventilation and building envelopes.

Published August 29, 2006

Roberts, T. (2006, August 29). Greenguard Mold Protection Program Takes Off. Retrieved from

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