News Brief

GSA Environmental Award Winners

The fifth Annual

U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Environmental Awards ceremony took place in Washington, D.C. on April 19, 2001. Among the 14 winning projects and initiatives were:

•The United States District Courthouse Annex in Denver, Colorado, the original GSA sustainable design pilot project (see illustration below)

The U.S. District Courthouse Annex under construction in Denver incorporates innovative design strategies such as displacement ventilation and evaporative cooling while providing natural daylight to much of the interior. Recipient of a recent U.S. GSA sustainable design award, it was designed by AndersonMasonDale with HOK, Inc. and The RMH Group, Inc. as consulting engineers.

Rendering: AndersonMasonDale
•The David Skaggs Research Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in Boulder, Colorado

•Greening GSA’s Lease Acquisition Process with recycling, waste prevention, and sustainable design

•Drive-INS for Justice, a low-cost records center for the Immigration and Naturalization Service

•Recycling Construction Waste at the New EPA Campus in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

•Photovoltaic Panels on the Ralph H. Metcalfe Building, home to the EPA Region 5 Headquarters in Chicago, Illinois

•Zero Construction Waste in the renovation of the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s Office in Indianapolis, Indiana

More details on these projects are available at http://

Published July 1, 2001

(2001, July 1). GSA Environmental Award Winners. Retrieved from

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