Dockside Green, currently under construction in Victoria, British Columbia, was used in the development of LEED-ND and has applied to be a pilot project.
Rendering: Busby, Perkins + Will The pilot program for USGBC’s LEED® for Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND) rating system will accept applications for projects through April 6, 2007. Developed in collaboration with the Congress for the New Urbanism and the Natural Resources Defense Council, LEED-ND integrates green building principles with larger concerns, such as smart growth and new urbanism, at the neighborhood and city levels. The 106-point rating system offers credits for “smart location and linkage,” “neighborhood pattern and design,” and “green construction and technology.” Information on the pilot program and a downloadable version of the rating system are available at
Wendt, A. (2007, March 6). LEED-ND Pilot Program Accepting Applications. Retrieved from
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