News Brief
Link Between Chinese Drywall and Corrosion Confirmed
by Allyson Wendt
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) released a study in November 2009 that confirms a link between Chinese-manufactured drywall and high levels of hydrogen sulfide in homes; the study also links the drywall to metal corrosion.
The study, performed by the Massachusetts-based testing firm Environmental Health & Engineering (EH&E), compared ten control homes with 41 homes in CPSC’s complaint database and found higher levels of hydrogen sulfide in the complaint homes. Significantly more corrosion was found on silver and copper test strips placed in these homes as well.
Finally, EH&E discovered that x-ray fluorescence and Fourier transform infrared instruments could detect identifying marks on Chinese drywall, leading CPSC to conclude that it will be possible to develop a method for finding and eliminating the drywall from homes.
Sandia National Laboratories and the National Institute of Standards and Technology are working on similar studies; preliminary reports show similar results. For more information, see
Published January 1, 2010
Wendt, A. (2010, January 1). Link Between Chinese Drywall and Corrosion Confirmed. Retrieved from
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