News Brief

PBS to Host "Build it Green!"

Charlie Popeck and Jill Burtin are cohosts of PBS’s “Build it Green!” show, scheduled to air beginning in July 2004.

Photo: Desert Moon Productions
Desert Moon Productions has begun filming the first home-improvement show with a green emphasis.  The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) will air 26 episodes of the 30-minute television show, Build it Green! Set to begin running next July.

Build it Green! will be hosted by contractor Charlie Popeck and architect Jill Burtin and will staff at least three LEED-Accredited Professionals. Although based in Desert Moon’s home state of Arizona, the show will also travel. “Green building options are intrinsically tied to climate, so we will highlight what innovative people are doing under almost all climate conditions,” explained Mick Dalrymple, Desert Moon’s executive producer. Dalrymple is also a founding board member of USGBC’s Arizona Chapter.



Published December 1, 2003

(2003, December 1). PBS to Host "Build it Green!". Retrieved from

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