News Brief
Public Distaste an Obstacle to Direct Wastewater Recycling
USGS produces educational posters illustrating many aspects of wastewater treatment.
According to the New York Times, recycling for drinking water or landscaping use is already established in areas of Virginia, Texas, and New Mexico and is being considered elsewhere; a ski resort in Arizona even uses it for snowmaking. Still, less than 0.3% of water use in the U.S. currently involves recycled water, with the public remaining skeptical of direct return of treated wastewater to the drinking supply. This, the report suggests, is an outdated fear, as levels of chemicals and pathogens in recycled water are equivalent to those in existing water supplies.
Published February 28, 2012 Permalink Citation
Weaver, E. (2012, February 28). Public Distaste an Obstacle to Direct Wastewater Recycling. Retrieved from
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