News Brief
Report: For Cleaner, Cheaper Transport, Electric Vehicles Are Key
Even in parts of the U.S. where electricity is generated by burning coal, electric vehicles pollute less than most gasoline-powered vehicles and save money on fuel, according to a new report from the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS).
“State of Charge: Electric Vehicles’ Global Warming Emissions and Fuel Cost Savings Across the United States” is the first study to analyze emissions from charging vehicles on a conventional power grid that includes coal and natural gas. Compared to a gasoline-powered vehicle achieving 27 miles per gallon at $3.50 per gallon, an electric vehicle traveling 11,000 miles annually can save $750– $1,200 each year.
The study’s author, engineer Don Anair, points out that “As consumers get more electric vehicle choices over the coming years, it will be increasingly important to change how we generate our electricity,” but in the meantime “an electric vehicle is a good choice for reducing global warming pollution, cutting fuel costs, and slashing oil consumption.”
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Published April 30, 2012 Permalink Citation
Weaver, E. (2012, April 30). Report: For Cleaner, Cheaper Transport, Electric Vehicles Are Key. Retrieved from
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