News Brief

Report Shows Benefits of Green Affordable Housing

A September 2005 report from New Ecology, Inc., and Tellus Institute demonstrates that green affordable housing is more cost-effective than conventional affordable housing. The report,

Costs and Benefits of Green Affordable Housing, features case studies of 16 green affordable housing projects around the country and lays out the long-term financial implications and net present value projections for each project. “The findings in this report provide strong validation for community-based developers of affordable housing who have recognized the value of greening their projects but, until now, have not had the data to back it up,” says Joe Kriesberg, president of the Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations. The report also outlines the barriers to greening affordable housing and provides recommendations to researchers, developers, and policymakers. To download a PDF of the 200-page report ($20.00), visit; to order a paper copy ($49.00), e-mail sends e-mail) or call 617-354-4099 x25. For more on greening affordable housing, see


Vol. 14, No. 3.

Published November 1, 2005

Boehland, J. (2005, November 1). Report Shows Benefits of Green Affordable Housing. Retrieved from

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