News Brief

Rob Watson Leaves NRDC to Form Consulting Firm

Rob Watson

Photo: ETI
Rob Watson, a leading advocate of green building, the primary framer of the LEED® Rating System, and a USGBC board member, has left the Natural Resources Defense Council after 21 years to create his own consulting firm, EcoTech International, Inc. (ETI) in New York City. ETI will help clients implement market transformation with green building in the emerging markets of China and India. The company, which includes a team of international experts, will “bring a comprehensive suite of integrated approaches to greening buildings and cities,” Watson told

EBN. Through two subsidiaries, American SinoTech and American IndoTech, ETI will focus on the fast-growing economies of China and India, respectively. Those two countries will account for 70% of all new construction in the world over the next 20 years, according to ETI. “American SinoTech and American IndoTech will largely be country-driven efforts, and my job will be to attract the right people and motivate them to stay and grow the business,” said Watson, who is chairman, CEO, and chief scientist of ETI. For more information: 917-224-3821; sends e-mail);

Published December 5, 2006

Wilson, A. (2006, December 5). Rob Watson Leaves NRDC to Form Consulting Firm. Retrieved from

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