News Brief
Six Gulf Coast Homes Achieve Resilience Star Certification
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has recognized six Gulf Coast homes through its Resilience Star pilot program. The designation is based on compliance with various Fortified Home standards developed by the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS), with the pilot focusing on the Fortified Home–Hurricane certification program.
To achieve the designation, homes had to be built to withstand at least a Category 1 hurricane by following the prescriptive Fortified Home requirements for roof, gable, and overhang details. Five of the homes were new construction; a home in Gulf Shores, Alabama, achieved the certification through a retrofit.
Although the Fortified Home standards have levels based on the severity of disaster the home is built to withstand (Bronze for Category 1, Silver for Category 2, Gold for Category 3), the Resilience Star designation currently applies to any building that meets the Bronze level or above. Four of the homes achieved Gold under the Fortified Home–Hurricane standard.
IBHS also has a specialized standard for high winds and hail as well as a nationwide standard, Fortified for Safer Living, that requires preparedness for region-specific perils such as earthquakes, floods, and severe winter storms. Learn more at
Published October 20, 2014 Permalink Citation
Melton, P. (2014, October 20). Six Gulf Coast Homes Achieve Resilience Star Certification. Retrieved from
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