Solar Decathlon Team Dedicates America's First Solar-Hydrogen Home
by Allyson Wendt
Greg Sachs, USMMA Alternative Power Program (APP) manager (left), cuts the ribbon on “America’s First Solar-Hydrogen Home” in Kings Point, New York. Now in its permanent home, the house will serve as a research facility for APP.
Photo: NYIT New York Institute of Technology’s (NYIT) entry in the 2005 Solar Decathlon found a permanent home in June 2006 at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) in Kings Point, New York. The NYIT team, which was the only team in the 2005 competition to use a hydrogen fuel cell for power, has dubbed the 800 ft2 (74 m2) house America’s first solar-hydrogen home. Now open for tours, the house will serve as a renewable energy research and educational center for USMMA’s Alternative Power Program. For details, visit For more on the Solar Decathlon, see
Wendt, A. (2006, July 31). Solar Decathlon Team Dedicates America's First Solar-Hydrogen Home. Retrieved from
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