News Brief

Straw-Bale Blitz-Build

Construction of the straw-bale community center designed by these Crow middle school students will be funded largely by their Bayer/National Science Foundation award.

Photo: David Nations Photography
In response to the continuing housing crisis on American Indian reservations, residents of two Montana reservations—the Crow and Northern Cheyenne—are planning

a two-week straw-bale “blitz build”to erect two public buildings and demonstrate the potential of straw-bale construction for cheap, durable, energy-efficient housing. Beginning July 14, volunteer architecture and engineering students plan to join the Red Feather Development Group and community members in the construction of a literacy center at Chief Dull Knife Memorial College on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation and a community study hall at Crow Agency. The study hall was designed by “The Rez Protectors,” four Crow middle school students (see photo), and funded largely by the National Championship Award money they earned in the 2001 Bayer/National Science Foundation competition. For more information, call the American Indian Housing Initiative field office at 406/477-6215 x127 or visit the Red Feather Development Group online at

Published July 1, 2002

(2002, July 1). Straw-Bale Blitz-Build. Retrieved from

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