The green roof on this garage in Seattle slows runoff of stormwater, allowing infiltration on the roof and beside it. Such strategies are good for urban streams, according to a new report.
Photo: Rob Harrison, AIA The City of Toronto, Ontario, has committed to installing green roofs on new and existing buildings owned by the City “whenever practical to do so.” The City recommends considering green roofs for existing buildings when roofs are due to be replaced. For new construction, the City has set a target of covering 50% to 75% of each building’s footprint. Called “Making Green Roofs Happen,” the policy also includes incentives for the private sector to install green roofs. “Torontonians have told us that they want the City to do more to promote green roofs,” says Deputy Mayor Joe Pantalone, who chairs the City’s Roundtable on the Environment. “In response, City Council has approved a comprehensive approach—from establishing standards and building our capacity to support green roofs at the City level to offering education, funding, expert advice, and promotion.” Details are at
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