News Brief

USGBC to Commit $1 Million for Green Building Research

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) announced in June 2007 its intention to commit $1 million to green building research, including areas such as human health and productivity, climate change mitigation, the business case for green building, and passive survivability. The structure and schedule for funding by USGBC have not been determined yet. This initiative follows a recent report from USGBC’s research committee demonstrating inadequate funding of green building research on a national level (see

EBN Vol. 16, No. 6). USGBC promised details on funding and grant applications during the summer, while the research committee plans a report on a research agenda for fall 2007. More information is online at

Published July 10, 2007

Roberts, T. (2007, July 10). USGBC to Commit $1 Million for Green Building Research. Retrieved from

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