News Brief
USGBC Greens Greenbuild
The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) continued its tradition of greening Greenbuild during November’s conference in Atlanta. The convention center donated and composted leftover food, served water from large containers instead of individual bottles, provided 100% recycled paper towels and toilet paper, and reduced lights, power, and HVAC services during exhibit-hall move-in and move-out times; the initial five conference hotels and the convention center initiated recycling programs for the first time; and Greenbuild printed name badges and programs on recycled paper and worked with the Leonardo Academy to offset emissions affiliated with the conference. For a full description of USGBC’s efforts to reduce its environmental footprint, see
Published December 1, 2005 Permalink Citation
Boehland, J. (2005, December 1). USGBC Greens Greenbuild. Retrieved from
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