News Brief
Contractors Subject to New Lead Paint Regulations
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced new lead paint rules for contractors who renovate or repair housing, child-care facilities, or schools built before 1978. The Toxic Substances Control Act of 1992 required EPA to regulate renovation activities by 1996, but EPA had delayed writing the rules until pressed by a 2005 lawsuit. After April 2010, contractors disturbing more than 6 ft
2 (0.6 m
2) of a surface to post warning signs, restrict occupants from work areas, contain the dust and debris created, clean up the area thoroughly, and confirm that cleanup is successful. Some in Congress, including Senator Barbara Boxer of California, have criticized the rules as too lenient. Boxer noted that EPA ignored the advice of a scientific advisory committee and failed to require adequate testing of construction dust and finished spaces for lead. More information is available at
Published April 29, 2008 Permalink Citation
Wendt, A. (2008, April 29). Contractors Subject to New Lead Paint Regulations. Retrieved from
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