News Analysis

Recycled-Content Paint Standard Released

The Paint Product Stewardship Initiative of the Product Stewardship Institute—a consortium of paint manufacturers and recyclers, governmental representatives, and other interested parties—partnered with the environmental certification standards organization Green Seal to develop a recycled-content latex paint standard addressing product quality, performance, volatile organic compound (VOC) content, and additive and recycled-content levels. Released in August 2006, the standard, which includes paints made with both pre- and post-consumer recycled content, should encourage demand for recycled-content paint products and reduce the annual disposal in the U.S. of as many as 130 million gallons (490 million l) of paint.

Joe Maty, editor of the

Published December 5, 2006

Piepkorn, M. (2006, December 5). Recycled-Content Paint Standard Released. Retrieved from