"Your Green Home" Published
Alex Wilson's new book, written for anyone planning to build a new home, is now available from New Society Publishers. Your Green Home is authored by Wilson, EBN's executive editor, and illustrated by EBN art director Julia Jandrisits. The 256-page volume addresses how to find the right designer and builder, where to build, and a wide range of issues about house design, including structural building systems, energy, water, materials, and indoor environmental quality. Architect and author Sarah Susanka calls it “the book we’ve all been waiting for.” Says Kevin Ireton, editor of
Fine Homebuilding: “I can think of no better guide through the murky claims and requisite compromises of this nascent science.” In the foreword, builder John Abrams says the book provides “a wealth of information carefully explained, relentlessly organized, and neatly sorted out to make it readable and comprehensive.”
Your Green Home is available through the BuildingGreen.com online store for $17.95 plus shipping and handling. The book can also be purchased in bulk (ten copies for $99.00 plus shipping and handling) for designers and builders wanting copies to give to potential clients.
Your Green Home should also soon appear in bookstores (ask for it!).
Published September 28, 2006 Permalink Citation
(2006, September 28). "Your Green Home" Published. Retrieved from https://www.buildinggreen.com/op-ed/your-green-home-published
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